Welding Workshop April 6 (Sat.) & 7 (Sun.)

04/06/2024 09:00 AM - 04/07/2024 05:00 PM ET




  • $275.00


This is a 2-Day Workshop held on Saturday 9 am - 4 pm and Sunday 12 - 5 pm.


Students will be carefully trained in safety protocols, learn how to cut steel, and be taught brazing and welding techniques. They will spend all day Sunday welding.

This is a 2-Day Workshop held on Saturdays 9 am - 4 pm and Sundays 12 - 5 pm. Each workshop is one weekend. 

Maximum capacity is 4 people.

Minimum age is 16


  • Long sleeved natural fiber tops and jeans.
  • Leather gloves and boots (your own).
  • Hair longer than shoulder length must be tied back into a bun or ponytail.

To register less than 48 hours before a class, please call 561-508-7315.